February 2018
A new enrolment period for the US experience exchange program
Fellowship in community organizing – USA – Learning and experience exchange
CeRe: The Resource Center for Public Participation announces a new registration period for people interested to participate in the fall of this year for a period of 6 weeks, in the United States of America, at a community organizing program.
So those who want to sign up can send their applications by March 31, 2018 here: http://glc-teachdemocracy2.org/open-competition-for-professional-fellows-exchange-program/
Those involved in civic participation and advocacy programs from non-governmental organizations, civic organizations, civic initiative groups or community activists and / or organizers working with vulnerable communities / communities in the countryside are encouraged to apply.
CeRe: The Resource Center for Public Participation runs this program in Romania for the 6th year, within the GLC Teach Democracy program, funded by the US Department of State. So far, 57 people have participated in this experience exchange program.
Details about the program are also found in the record of the previous recruitment session.
Applicants to the exchange program will be invited to an interview and a community organizing training session organized by CeRe. Find here the calendar of the recruitment process.
Please read carefully the recruitment criteria: http://glc-teachdemocracy2.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/ANNOUNCEMENT_FALL2018.pdf
„Since I returned from the US exchange program, I have continued to work with the people in Poiana Negustorului, Bacau County, to improve the quality of education that children receive in the local schools. I returned with new forces and skills to the country and step by step our work on the subject started to deliver. We recommenced to organize meetings and planned the next steps to improve the quality of education that children receive in schools. The members of the community are not satisfied with the way the school looks: insufficient space for all children, the walls are dirty and degraded especially in the winter, the heating system fails to cope. These are also important reasons why many students do not attend school during the winter. We have organized community meetings with local public authorities and school staff, and I have brought these issues to their attention. The participation of the mayor in these meetings has led to a higher level of attendance at meetings of community members. ” Fănel Petrescu followed the US experience exchange program in the spring of 2017.
For more information:
Dani Prisacariu – dani@ce-re.ro
Vlad Cătuna – vlad@ce-re.ro
Good luck!