We decided to get together when we saw that in Romania like all over Europe, the participation space for organizations and activists is restricted.

The stigma thrown on NGOs and activists alarmed us: the parallel state, foreign agent, the enemy of the nation, slacker, paid protesters etc.

We were alarmed by the attempts on deteriorating legislation:  the “pleșoianu” law, the money laundering law. Both proposed extreme bureaucratic measures, which would have stifled the NGOs activity.

We have been alarmed by abuses and attempts to isolate critical organizations or activists.

Even if now, things don’t seem so alarming anymore, we act together in order to:

  • prevent deterioration of the legislation regarding activism, participation and transparency
  • better communicate the role of activist organizations and activism in general
  • show solidarity with colleagues in need

‘NGOs for citizen’ consists of:

Federația Organizațiilor Naționale pentru Servicii Sociale – FONSS, Greenpeace, Asociația pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Omului în România – Comitetul Helsinki – APADOR-CH, Asociația Four Change, Asociația MozaiQ LGBT, Asociatia Atlatszo Erdely Egyesulet –Asociația Transilvania Transparentă, Dexonline, ActiveWatch, Miliția Spirituală, Centrul pentru Inovare Publică, Asociația Parcul Național Văcărești, E-Romnja (Asociația pentru Promovarea Drepturilor Femeilor Rome), CeRe: Centrul de Resurse pentru participare publică, Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Societății Civile – FDSC, Asociația Civitas’99, Centrul de Dezvoltare Curriculară și Studii de Gen: FILIA, Asociația Civica, Expert Forum, Asociația pentru Tehnologie și Internet – APTI.


Democracy during the state of emergency:

During the state of emergency, but also in the context of the restrictions that will be imposed on citizens in the next period, we report and denounce violations of democracy and civil rights. Violations and abuses of power that use the state of emergency as a screen.

The decisions the government makes during this period, but also the way these decisions are implemented locally, must be properly justified and well correlated with the needs of the communities on which these decisions are made. Regardless the circumstances, authorities must take into account the principles of the Rule of Law and the values ​​of democracy.

You can find details on how we took charge alongside other organizations during the state of emergency, on the website: www.stareademocratiei.ro.

‘NGOs for citizen’ group is supported by ‘Network of European Foundations’ through the ‘Civitates’ program.

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